Slow Crush (be)
Abrasive and paradisiacal are normally not words you’d find describing the same thing, yet that is the case for Belgian shoegazing wizards, Slow Crush, and their gloomy-dreamy soundscapes. Smartly tightroping between these seemingly contrasting sounds, Slow Crush paint soothing and vibrant paintings of the most unnerving and frightening sights, possessed with a trance-inducing quality thanks to Isa Holliday’s soothing yet haunting voice. Like a pastel-coloured Munch, Slow Crush’s music is beautifully eclectic and uncompromisingly honest, digging deep inside to uncovered all the rawest and purest emotions. Suggestive of an avoidable yet impending catastrophe, it’s impossible to get out of the way of Slow Crush’s soul-searching compositions; you’ll slowly yet inexorably be captured enthralled and forever transformed. We do hope for the best :)
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